
Winntsetup exe
Winntsetup exe

Winntsetup exe Winntsetup exe

If you have Windows ADK installed and do not wish to uninstall it, consider following the instructions in the "Using the command line" section below instead. Thus it's enough to extract files from WIM file.The success of this step requires that you run ADKSetup.exe on a computer with an Internet connection and without a copy of Windows ADK installed. I prepared (and using) this batch file (of course it lazy coding and can made more optimization, like you masters). And can be added Changelog.txt/History.txt in Documents folder? Also WinNTsetup's full command-lines as file in again this folder( CommandLines.txt)?Ĥ) Second Suggestion: WinNTsetup opens the Format feature from "F" button. I would recommend a new button next to it: " Only Delete Windows Folders". I recommends you that created new folder (for example: Documents) in the RAR package. Strange.Ģ) In Command lines options unlisted - noapplyģ) First Suggestion: I know, The WinNTsetup's ChangeLog contained description in the RAR package. Because WinNTSetup_x86.exe's version working without this WOW error given in Win10-圆4-(v1607). I keep to installs lastest the Visual C++ Runtime Installer (All-In-One) by Burdafel.Īctually no need WinNTSetup_x86.exe for me when running in win10 圆4.

Winntsetup exe

I don't never use (and liked) Windows Setup (Boot.Wim). Thank you for your efforts and updates.ġ) WinNTSetup_x86.exe's v3.8.7.4 gives that error: " An internal error occurred in the Win32 x86 emulation subsystem."įor technic details is here.

Winntsetup exe